Probably the most rewarding thing in the the whole process so far has been the positive feedback from the customers that are using the blinds. We’ve had guides, outfitters, and outdoor professionals give nothing but positive, overwhelming support for the quality of the blind. As we built the Apex ground blind, we really wanted to design it for those looking to elevate their hunt and maximize opportunities. Below are some kind words and reviews from those who really know their stuff.
“I figured I would take a few minutes to tell you guys how absolutely awesome your blinds and mini mount are. These past two weeks one of our Prostaff members (Nathan Veit) and I had the blind out for 6 days hunting turkeys here in Montana, and they performed great!
We were dealing with high winds and a little moisture, and we didn’t have any problems what so ever with side wall noise (others blinds I’ve had have been terrible), or even setting up because they pop up so nicely. We were walking back into some river bends that were holding turkeys quite a ways in, and being able to strap nearly everything on that we needed saved a ton of hassle.
Another note, Nathan shoots a longbow and in the past years we had to sit separate blinds so he could have room to shoot. He would also have to kneel down in those blinds to get enough clearance to shoot. Not in your blinds! We can comfortably sit both of us in there with plenty enough space for each of us to sit in our chairs and draw our bows, as well as him being able to sit in his chair and shoot. A couple days we even had three guys in there, and there was still enough room for everything.
Those tripod slots help a ton with the room needed for us and the camera gear, and being able to hook the mini mount into the hubs for our POV camera is so much handier than trying to bring another small tripod.
Amazing products guys!”
– Keenan VanWichen, VW Outdoors
“Greetings from North Dakota. I am very impressed! I’m one of those guys who is ultra-critical when it comes to the design and engineering in many outdoor products (I can always find something wrong and I think Velcro is the anti-Christ) and I’m always looking for ways to improve a product. You hit every single thing that needed fixing on a ground blind and that KUIU pattern looks awesome. Just had to tell you I appreciate it when somebody tackles the problems head on and fixes them regardless of the challenges. Very nice work and good luck.”
– Curt Wells, Editor, Bowhunter Magazine and Host of Bowhunter TV
“A while back I received an email from you asking for my feedback in regard to the blind I purchased from you last year. As I was busy with hunting season and work I decided to wait until our season’s close prior to typing up an email in order to give it the time to do an in-depth review.
I would like to start with my initial reactions of the blind upon opening. The packaging and blind appeared to be very well constructed during initial setup in my basement. I appreciate the attention to detail and quality in many areas including thickness of the material used, reinforcing points at all corners and the additional ground flap that helps contain scent. It has been my experience in helping guide and putting together sets for some of the properties I manage that the corners and stress points are the first areas to go. The other thing I absolutely love is the 4-way stretch material used for the main windows on the front of the blind. The utility of this material amazes me and is one of the only blinds I’ve used that serves just as well from turkey season with shotguns to youth archery season well into late firearm season with youth and elderly. I also believe your unique system of hooks and loops on the front stretch windows provide endless adjustment. The zip out panel in the top of the blind has proved extremely useful in making mobile sets for geese and ducks on one of our properties in eastern Maryland and that is something I haven’t seen in a hunting blind with the exception of waterfowl specific blinds. Being a predominately east coast deer hunter during archery season I typically opt for treestand setups but since my involvement with QDMA youth hunts, West Virginia’s Governors one shot and NWTF events where I deal with everything from youth to elderly folks blinds prove to be a valuable tool.
The first time I was able to put your blind to the test was during an event held in northern PA at a NWTF/Gas Industry summit in late May. The event was held on public land and had 35 teams participating where I served as a guide and was required to pack in for nearly 2 miles. Although to be honest the backpack bag appeared to not be made with the same high quality the blind construction exhibits I will say that it is the most comfortable blind specific bag I’ve used for long hikes into public land. Specifically I feel the zippers on the blind bad are inferior and I’ve had issues with them coming off track and wanting to pull apart under load. This specific hunt also had another challenge as the weather did not cooperate in any way dumping rain on us and high winds about 80% of the day. We also experienced a couple 30 minute torrential downpours while comfortably housing 2 hunters and myself in the blind. After about 2.5 hours of continuous rain I did notice that rain started to penetrate the blind along the seams which I have since corrected using Gear aid repair tape. I also noticed that with the driving rain the 4-way stretch material used for the main blind openings started to saturate allowing water to run down the inside of the blind. I fully understand that I was using the blind in some extreme conditions and would willingly sacrifice water-proofing for the utility of the 4-way stretch blind openings. The seam work I did for waterproofing the top was important to me as I specifically use this blind for days where the weather will be brutal and to help keep young and old out of the weather during scheduled outings. I didn’t notice any main fabric panel leaks or saturation even after spending nearly 8 hours in continuous rain and wind.
Since that first experience I have used the blind during the West Virginia Governor’s One Shot event where I served as a guide and hosted 4 teams of hunters on my property. The team that I specifically guided commented numerous times about how nice the blind was and allowed us to harvest 2 does, one of which was aged by the on location DNR biologist at 8.5 years old. I was also successful using your blind during the QDMA youth deer event and also late season turkey event we hold annually. Every time we used it I received positive comments on the blind, its utility and how well it blended in with the environment considering how roomy it was inside.
The only other things I will mention that you may want to look into or perhaps it may have been my use of the product but the first day I had the blind out I noticed stitching coming apart on the mesh pockets on the inside of the blind. I have never used them for anything however the left seam on one of the pockets has nearly completely come off. I also noticed some water coming through along those seams as well during the rain event. The final thing I have noticed during the last couple times of use is that the two 4-way stretch panel hubs will not stay open and want to fold in even on level ground and set up in my basement. I have inspected the fiberglass pole pockets and they don’t appear to be punching through so I’m not sure if it is a fabric stretch issue or something else that may have happened. I don’t have any issue at all with the solid panel sides hubs as once they are opened it takes quite a bit of force to get them to collapse. One final thing is the zippers seem to be fairly noisy. I’m not sure what other out of the box things you could come up with or if there is a way to quiet them some but during late deer season when every little noise seems to carry for 100’s of yards it concerned me a little getting set up. In regards to the same zippers I would also like to see the same hook and loop system added to the zippered windows to allow some adjustment options like is possible from the stretch windows.
Overall I am very happy with the blind and I can assure you through about 30-40 days with it in the field it will be the only soft sided blind I purchase in the future. I think the price point on the blind is very comparable to other high quality blinds however I think you have some innovative technology that separates your product from your competitors as I detailed above. I have yet to use an absolutely perfect blind while hunting either soft or hard nor could I afford to purchase a perfect blind most likely if it was made but I fully back your product as the best bang for MY buck. Another huge plus your product offers is customer support by way of this very email I’m responding to, which you hardly ever see in the hunting industry. Your desire to back your product by quality support sets you apart from your competition as I have been through many hunting products that failed after purchase only to receive an apology email stating they would love to help but can’t because the purchase was over 30 days old. I currently don’t feel I have a fading issue with my blind although I don’t let my blind sit out for more than a few days at a time. Should I have any issues related to fading in the future I will let you know but I greatly appreciate you being on top of the potential issue.
In closing I would like to thank you for creating the most versatile soft sided blind I’ve used that easily covers everything from early turkey season through the late waterfowl season while maintaining quality construction and durability. You have truly created a product that is unique, using out of the box thinking, materials and design. I wish you continued success and look forward to working with you again in the future.”
– Lance Murray
Vice President – Mountaineer QDMA Branch
Co-Owner – Reap Wildlife Services
Engineer/Division Manager – North American Directional