If used properly, ground blinds can provide a considerable amount of scent control. It’s always best to set up a blind or stand where the wind is in your favor, but you don’t always have a choice on set-ups, and favorable winds can shift and destroy any hopes of a close encounter. With that in mind, when properly set up, a ground blind can be used in ways to limit scent dissemination.
Simply sitting in a blind does not control your scent, but some common sense measures can really make a difference. First thing, make sure your windows aren’t allowing wind to pass through the blind. In some situations, it’s nice to have a rear window cracked, so you can keep an eye on the back side of the blind for something coming in from behind you. However, with open windows in the front and back of the blind, wind can enter the blind, pick up your scent, and then disperse your scent out the other side of the blind. Keeping rear windows buttoned up (and opened only for a quick peak) keeps air from flowing directly through the blind and carrying your scent downwind. This is most important when trying to keep your scent inside the blind.
Eliminating air flow through the blind will help you conceal most of your scent. However, some of your scent will eventually spill out any open window. If wind direction is threatening to compromise your hunt, limit the number of windows you have open and reduce window opening sizes as much as possible. Use blinds with highly adjustable window systems to help you achieve this. This will reduce the amount of scent released into the open and increase your odds of a successful hunt.
Finally, use of ozone machines, such as Scent Lok OZ, will often be able to knock out any remaining scent that escapes the confines of the blind, making a ground blind a game changer by reducing or eliminating most game’s number one defense… their nose.